Saturday, April 08, 2006

Two Great Friends

This shot is meaningful to me not because it was a great technical photo ... there are problems with the background, glare from the flash and poor centering. This photograph is meaningful to me because two people who are very meaningful to me are in it. Wayne, on the left, and I were childhood friends. Today, we participate in different ministry efforts and have known each other nearly 50 years. Wow. That sounded old. Petros was our beloved pastor for nearly 15 years. He left us in 1999 to go to a church in Lexington. One very dark day a year and a half ago, we received the call that he had died. Although we grieve his passing and loss and pray for his family, we trust that we will again see him in Heaven one day, and he will be as we are - ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven.

1 comment:

Wayne Grile said...

Thanks for posting this picture. That's the Petros I knew!