Friday, August 12, 2005

As it should be ...

It was just three days after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001; and while the weather was sunny and cool, there was a sense of darkness in our hearts. But we had to go on, and so we went ahead with the Odle Golf Classic, a golf outing named for Taylor's legendary basketball coach Don Odle. Although his knees ached and his heart could barely pump enough blood to keep him alive, there he was with his wife, Bonnie, laughing, greeting each of us and letting us know in his own way that somehow, things had not changed that much. As he held the microphone to greet the golfers, I noticed he was holding Bonnie's hand as he had for so many years. Just six months later, he died. It has been said that we live our lives twice - once as we experience it and the second time in our memories. The memory of that moment will always be precious to me.

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